Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Walking On

The new "Rock on!" is "Walk on!"

Since we moved last week, I've been cruising the streets of our neighbourhood parks every morning with the Little Bean and the pooch, and I have to say, it makes me feel fabulous. We're outside for nearly two hours at least, breathing in the mostly fresh air (there's a paper mill in the area and when the wind blows one way, it stinks and brings back memories of my childhood vacations - that's another story...). Knowing I've already done something active first thing in the morning makes the rest of the day so much better, and I am guilt-free spending the afternoon napping or sitting in peace while the Little Bean breastfeeds.

Walking on also shows me that things are progressing for our little family - we are moving forward, walking with high hopes of good things for the future.

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