Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Little Haitus Called Life

And Christmas... The blog writing hiatus is due to the fact that I've been spending all of my spare time doing two things.

First, I've been making Christmas gifts for the relatives. I won't mention what I've been up to or put up photos of the created loot because said relatives read this blog. But, I will say that the gifts are quite different, beautiful, and were really fun to make. That's the spirit of Christmas right there, non?

The second thing I've been doing is a bit of daily self-care. So, instead of spending my mornings checking my email and Facebook every fifteen minutes, I take an hour or two to go through my Morning Routine.

Morning Routine (aside from peeing and changing clothes/diapers):

1) Drink big glass of lemon water
2) Get breaky started on the stove
3) Attempt to do at least 20 minutes of yoga with Little Bean crawling through my downward dog, or as we like to call it "Threading the Needle" (Note: yoga is typically interrupted by a brief breastfeeding session)
4) Take vitamins
5) Eat breakfast
6) Clean up the breakfast dishes
7) Check email and Facebook

By the time my routine is complete, it's usually nearly time for Little Bean to go back to bed for his morning nap. Then I really get into the nitty gritty (without child), like creating fun gifts, and, well, let's be honest, making dinner, cleaning up, doing laundry, and all the other daily 'grime' we love here at our house.

It's been a pretty stress-free Christmas season so far. I love that. We create that quite intentionally.

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